Today, I’ve been picking up a little Contina IIa with a stuck shutter and film advance. Otherwise, the exterior was in very good condition, no dents, scratches etc.

I’ve decided to have a quick look at what possibly was wrong and once the front-lens assembly including plate has been removed from the body, I could chock and release the shutter. Further down the disassembly, of the shutter and aperture, the latter was completely stuck and all blades oily. The shutter did not look to bad, but again, some lightly oily blades.

Here some pictures of the process until now - next is to clean everything and put all back together.

Lens and Shutter unit removed Lens and Shutter unit removed Lens and Shutter unit removed Lightmeter unit Film advance gear Film advance gear Bottom cover removed Shutter trigger Film advance spool and shaft Fixing  Front lens removed Prontor SVS Slow speed assembly removed Delayed action device View on shutter View on aperture Disassembled shutter Aperture blades