My ever-growing collection of cameras, lenses and accessories is being described here and over time and in more details. With a few exceptions, most are 35mm film cameras are from in-between 1960 and 1980 where SLRs were mostly made from metal and many were engineering marvels.

Nikon, Canon, Olympus, Konica, Mamiya, Pentax and Contax represent the largest families I collect but among others, there are some single pieces from Fujica, Rollei and Minolta.

When acquiring a new piece, some personal key criteria should be met:

  1. I  collect items that are still working the way they have been designed
  2. Gears should have a historical value
  3. I often look for funny, weird, quirky or rare pieces

Here some examples:

My Mamiya Super Deluxe, a rangefinder beauty from the Sixties, with a 48/1.5 is regularly used with a Gossen lightmeter. Aside of the meter, the camera works perfectly fine.

Mamiya Super Deluxe

I bought a Konica FS-1 in a very good condition because it was the first 35mm SLR ever with a built-in motor drive that transports the film.

Konica FS-1

Lately, during a short trip to Prague, I found a King Regula IIId RF from the late Fifties. The specialty here is that my older sister’s name is Regula and she was the king from us siblings.

King Regula III d